This podcast series is an introduction to a paradigm shift in how to view behavior and Collaborative Problem Solving, a new parenting approach to challenging behavior.
In sum, a child's challenging behavior is not the parent's fault. Our goal is that by the end of this series, you'll see that behavior is a symptom of a deeper underlying issue similar to how learning and attention challenges are a symptom of deeper underlying issue like underdeveloped learning skills.
Episode 17: The Body-Brain Connection for Learning and Behavior – Dr. Mona Delahooke
You'll learn about the importance of the body-brain connection in behavior and how it affects learning:
- The biology beneath the behavior
- How to spot the signs that your child’s behavior is really due to stress
- Why play is critical to your child's learning
More resources from this episode and a bonus Q&A Dr. Delahooke available here.
Episode 18: Helping the Behaviorally-Challenging Child - Debra Ann Afarian
Debra Ann introduces us to a more relational approach to addressing difficult behaviors which teaches a child better self-awareness and emotional regulation.
You'll learn:
- Where the conventional parenting of rewards and consequences falls short
- 5 areas of lagging skills that could trigger challenging behaviors
- An introduction to a new way of approaching challenging behaviors, Collaborative Problem Solving
More resources from this episode available here.
Episode 19: A New Approach to Behavior Change - Stuart Ablon
This week’s podcast guest is Dr. Stuart Ablon who shares a new approach to behavior change: Collaborative Problem Solving.
The big takeaway is that kids with behavioral challenges don't lack the will to behave well. What they truly lack are the skills to behave well.
In this week's episode, you'll learn:
- A perspective shift in how challenging behaviors are due to lack of the right thinking skills
- The ingredients of Collaborative Problem Solving
- Examples for when and how to apply Collaborative Problem Solving
- The cognitive skills, including Executive Function skills, that are developed when using Collaborative Problem Solving
More resources from this episode available here.
Episode 20: Applying Collaborative Problem Solving - Michael Uram
This week’s podcast guest is Michael Uram who shares descriptive examples of how to apply Collaborative Problem Solving when challenging behaviors arise due to academics and relationships.
In this week's episode, you'll learn:
- Small steps to build executive function and overcome procrastination
- Helping your child develop social skills
- Power of role playing in addition to visualization
More resources and a bonus Q&A with Michael Uram here.
Episode 21: Adulting with ADHD and Learning Differences - Julie Lythcott-Haims
This week’s podcast guest is Julie Lythcott-Haims. Julie shares vulnerable moments adulting with undiagnosed ADHD, and learning how to best support her child with diagnosed ADHD. Her hope is that you do not feel judged, but rather feel seen and supported on your journey of raising an adult.
In this week's episode, you'll learn:
- A parent’s journey to better understanding and appreciating her son with learning differences
- How becoming an adult is different for young adults with learning challenges
- Examples of what over-parenting looks like
More Episodes
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