Dyslexia and Learning Disability Quiz Do you suspect that you or someone you know has dyslexia, or a learning and attention challenge? Take this free quiz to find out in less than 10-minutes. If dyslexia or a learning and attention challenge is detected, you'll receive recommendations on the best next steps to resolve these challenges. Dyslexia and Learning Disability Quiz "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 19 5% Welcome, and thank you for your interest in our quiz.Are you taking this quiz for yourself, your child/teen, or your student?* Myself Child/teen Student What is his/her:What is your:Name - Student* First What is his/her:What is your:Age?* Is there a family history of dyslexia, or challenges with learning or attention?* Yes No Not sure Does he/she:Do you:Have average or above average intelligence?* Yes No How would you describe his/her:How would you describe your:Verbal language abilities* Average / Above Average: Age-appropriate or above Impacted: Articulation and/or grammatical difficulties Limited: non-verbal or very limited verbal language Was he/she:Were you:Born prematurely or via C-section?* Yes No I don't know Did he/she:Did you:Have early speech or language problems?* Yes No I don't know Does he/she:Do you:Excel at arts, building, sports, or creative problem-solving?* Yes No I don't know Did he/she:Did you:Have numerous ear infections growing up?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Lack confidence at school or work, appear lazy or unmotivated?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Work too hard or too long on homework?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Have difficulty with reading, writing, spelling, or math?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Have trouble following directions or knowing what to do?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Get easily distracted?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Have poor memory?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Frequently say "Huh?" or "What?" and needs things repeated?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Did he/she:Did you:Have difficulty naming letters in the alphabet?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Does he/she:Do you:Speak more intelligently than he/she can write?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely Speak more intelligently than you can write?* Frequently Occasionally Rarely This field is hidden when viewing the formDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Your Contact InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*How did you hear about Stowell Learning Centers?* Online Search Professional Referral Parent Referral Event Social Media Teacher Sign Other Who referred you?*Which Stowell Learning Center location is closest to you?* Chino Irvine Pasadena National Would you like to speak to our team about further assessment or intervention?* Yes, please contact me No, thank you What is the best time to contact you?*All times are in Pacific time zone. 9:00AM-12:00PM PT 12:00PM-3:00PM PT 3:00PM-6:00PM PT © Copyright 2002 - 2025 by Stowell Learning Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy