Accelerated Summer Intensive Programs

Remarkable, Rapid Changes in Confidence and Skills

Transform learning and improve grades at an intensive pace

Students experience the added benefit of community through group activities with other neurodiverse thinkers.

Improve Attention

Plus other key cognitive skills like comprehension, and mental processing

Process Faster

Think and react faster in school and social situations

Boost Confidence

Plus boost skills in reading, spelling, and math

Be Future-Ready

Increase college and test-taking readiness

Summer Intensives @ SLC

Clinicians host group activities during breaks so students feel like they're part of a fun and supportive community like at summer camp. We've seen from our years of experience that happy brains are more productive brains.

Clinicians and students playing uno card game during summer program
Stowell Learning Center clinician decorating walls with a shark cutout for the Summer's underwater theme
SLC students playing games during their break during the summer program
Clinician and student doing an acitivity for summer programs

Who is it For?

  • Ages
    • Students age 7 and up who are struggling in school
    • College-bound students who need to boost their skills for higher test scores and success
    • Adults who want to increase work productivity
  • Issue
    • Smart kids working below potential
    • Good students who are working too hard or too long
    • Students with dyslexia or other learning or attention challenges
    • Slow processing or comprehension

Intensive Program Reviews

Beatrice M.
Beatrice M.
Thousand Oaks Center Location

The Thousand Oaks location is new, and we are probably the first or second client. The center director Sharon Diep is open to sharing information and will look up info for me. She is very organized and is always assuring. She shows care to me as a parent and to my child. The clinician my child has is Hannah Bos. She is a newly trained clinician but shows confidence and knowledge. Her gentle demeanor makes my child feel comfortable and have fun. I am definitely noticing improvement after 3 full weeks. I am hopeful for a positive outcome at the end of the program. I will definitely recommend SLC and the Thousand Oaks location. The reasons for this location receiving 4 stars instead of 5 are: 1) this location is new, so results are not proven at this location yet 2) clinician is inexperienced; however, she is very good. I will review this location again in a few months to provide more insights.

Chino Center Location

My son has been coming here about a month and loves it. He's really improved in comprehension at school and comes home excited to tell me what he's learned. It's a lot of work making sure he comes here 4 times a week plus at home exercises and the listening program, but I'm seeing big improvements in his academics and his ability to communicate his thoughts and retain information.

Colleen A.
Colleen A.
Irvine Center Location

Julian has been a true gift to our son!!!!!  Stowell learning Center in Irvine did a fantastic job at picking the right clinician for our son who is 14 years old!  Our son has grown in so many ways because of how Julian worked with him.  Julian has a True Passion for helping kids, and making a real positive connection!  My son started with the intensive summer program, which was 4 hours a day for five days a week for 6 weeks.  My son only stated 2 times when he didn't want to go because he wanted to hang with his friends.   This was not normal for our son, and he really enjoyed going to Stowell and working with Julian.  This company really has a phenomenal clinician in Julian!!!!  Thank you again Julian for your genuine care and interest in making positive changes in our son!!!     May God continue to Bless you, always!

A Pediatrician’s Journey: Finding Life-Changing Support for Her Teen Daughter at Stowell Center

Connie, a pediatrician herself, speaks about the struggle for parents to find the right answers and intervention to help struggling kids and the benefit of doing an intensive program to get her 17 year old daughter ready for college.

Signature Program

Sustainably paced to each individual's needs. Without the demands of school, students have the opportunity to focus more intensely on making progress.

Duration of program:

Varies per individual

Frequency of sessions:

3-5 times per week

Length of each session:

1-2 hours per session

Intensive program

Imagine making six-to-nine months of progress in only 8-weeks. You get the same quality service as our Signature Program just at an accelerated pace.

Duration of program:

6-8 weeks

Frequency of sessions:

Daily, Monday-Friday

Length of each session:

2-4 hours per session


Intensive Program
$7,380 / Intensive*
$7,380 / Intensive*
Signature Program
$1,587 / Month*
$1,587 / Month*

*Program Price Details:

    • These are starting prices
    • Exact price depends on the recommended number of hours and program duration in the treatment plan
    • Details of the treatment plan are determined by the results of the Functional Evaluation

***Discounts do not apply to third party funding.

Functional Evaluation
  • One-time fee
  • Required for new students
  • Fee waived for current students
***Summer Intensives Special Savings
  • 10% tuition discount on all Intensive Programs
  • BONUS $500 Early Bird Discount if your registration and deposit is received before April 15th.

***Discounts do not apply to third party funding.


We partnered with Your Tuition Solution, and have other financial resources available for your reference in our Financing page.


***Discounts do not apply to third party funding.

Ready to Enroll?

Teen's Intensive Program

Emma was diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder, ADHD, and depression. Even though her intelligence was well within the normal range, she was dramatically behind in all subject areas. She was very unaware socially, had difficulty with conversation, and had sensory integration issues that caused her to be very sensitive to certain foods and clothing.

She attended 3 hours per day, 5 days a week working one-to-one with a clinical team. 

Next Steps



Speak with a Learning Specialist to explain your child's needs, ask any questions you might have, and schedule a functional evaluation.

Schedule the functional evaluation ASAP. 




Since each child has unique needs, we start with a comprehensive functional evaluation that tests the underlying processing and thinking skills such as motor coordination and auditory processing, as well as academic skills.

This enables us to create a tailored treatment plan that is the most efficient and effective route for your child to catch up academically.

The functional evaluation takes 2-4 hours. Treatment plans are designed and discussed with parents on the same day as the evaluation.

Schedule the functional evaluation NOW. 




The student begins the recommended 6-8 week treatment plan. He/she is the sole focus in each learning therapy session. One or two therapists may be present, but your child is guaranteed to be the only student in each session.

We expect that students will make changes every session. Therapies are continuously adapted and refined according to the student’s progress.




Clinicians are constantly adjusting the treatment plan according to how quickly the student progresses in each session.

More formal re-testing is done on a regular basis.


Ready to Enroll?