Jill Stowell

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“Jill Stowell has some of the most effective information for addressing learning struggles that I’ve ever heard.

Her approach breaks the boundaries of education and gives every parent and educator hope for progress.

We can’t wait to invite her back for our next speaker event!”

- Jen Holmstrom, Director of Home Education Council of America (HECOA.com)

Jill Stowell smiling

Jill At-A-Glance

  • Speaker & Podcast Host
  • National Trainer
  • Program Developer
  • Bestselling Author
  • Founder, Stowell Learning Centers

Partial Client List

  • International Dyslexia Association
  • Learning Disability Association
  • Advanced Brain Technologies
  • HECOA (Home Educators Council
    of America)
  • ACSI (Association of Christian
    School International)

About Jill

Jill Stowell’s passion for changing the lives of children and adults with dyslexia and other learning challenges led her from a small private practice to becoming Founder and Executive Director of Stowell Learning Centers, four-time #1 Bestselling Author, program developer, and trainer and consultant for the national Fix Learning Skills network of centers for correcting learning and attention challenges.

As a special education teacher, Jill could not go along with the common belief that her bright, creative, funny, talented students were going to spend their lives trying to find ways around their learning disabilities—that they were stuck with a permanent condition.

She left the schools and studied with experts around the world doing research on the brain and all different aspects of learning. What she learned has allowed her to change the lives of thousands of students and their families over the last 35 years and proved that most learning and attention challenges can be dramatically improved or completely corrected.

Now on a mission to stop the learning disability epidemic, she and her husband, David, license and train passionate entrepreneurial parents, teachers, and therapists to use their proprietary system to change the lives of children and adults in communities around the world.

Founder and Author, Jill Stowell, holds California teaching credentials in elementary education and learning handicaps, an MS degree in Education, a California Resource Specialist Certificate, and Dyslexia Remediation Specialist Certification. She taught seven years in a public school in both regular and special education programs prior to opening the learning center.

Jill is the host of the weekly LD Expert Live podcast, and is frequently invited to speak at conferences, podcasts, parent groups, and schools. She is an engaging speaker who has a gift for connecting with her audiences in a personal and practical way, ensuring that they walk away with a new perspective, hope, and actionable strategies for supporting struggling learners. 

Jill reading Take the Stone Out of the Shoe

Available For:

  • Podcasts
  • Keynotes
  • News Features & Publications
  • General & Breakout Sessions
  • Workshops and Seminars
  • Staff Development
  • Teacher In-Services

Popular Presentation TOpics

  • Take the Stone Out of the Shoe: Understanding, Supporting, and Correcting Dyslexia and Learning and Attention Challenges
  • Simple Strategies for Helping Students with Dyslexia, Learning, and Attention Challenges at Home and School
  • 7 Essential Keys to Building Executive Function in Real Time: Take advantage of neuroscience, problem-solve with your children, and build key skills needed for executive function
  • Dyslexia: The Brilliance, the Challenge, and Real Solutions
  • Attention Challenges Simulation: An eye-opening hands-on experience to give parents and teachers a glimpse into their ADHD student’s world
  • Exploding the Myths and Transforming Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, and Attention Challenges

Parents and Practitioners Walk Away With:

  • A far greater understanding and empathy for their struggling learners
  • Practical, easy-to-implement strategies for supporting their
    students with learning or attention challenges
  • Hope and direction towards real solutions for ending the
    frustration, tears, and heartbreak faced by smart but struggling students and their families
Jill Stowell giving a workshop to teachers and parents
Jill Stowell speaking to teachers
Jill - Take the Stone Out of the Shoe Discussion
Jill speaking at CVCA

Seth Perler invites Jill to be a featured speaker on Executive Function for the annual TEFOS Conference

Play Video

Teens facilitate a discussion with Jill about ADHD and Learning Challenges


A Letter From Our Founder, Jill Stowell

Every day, I meet parents who are literally at their wit's end just trying to cope and help their kids survive school. It can be extremely frustrating and lonely trying to find answers.

As a public school Learning Disabilities Specialist many years ago, I knew there had to be more that could be done for students who struggle in school. I was a very good, very dedicated teacher with a Master's degree in education, but some of my students still weren’t learning as easily as they should. I was SURE that there were answers that just weren’t being taught or explored by our schools.

The heartbreak for me was watching both kids and their families suffer. I’m talking about students who have average or often much higher than average intelligence spending hours on simple homework, then failing anyway. And despite their best efforts, they often get called lazy or unmotivated. Eventually, many of them just give up. The rest limp through the school system with their self-esteem slowly crushed and their potential wasted. It is devastating to the students, and can even tear families apart. So I left the schools in search of something better; some real answers to unlocking the intelligence and competence that lay hidden in these kids.

Frankie is a perfect example of a boy with tons of potential, whose learning challenges impacted his choices and most likely his future. Frankie was smart and charismatic, but he was also, at 12-years old, a tough kid, already entrenched in a street gang. As a special education teacher in the public school Frankie was coming to me because he couldn’t read. I really liked him and I promised him I would teach him to read. But I couldn’t. I didn’t know why such a smart boy couldn’t read and my very best efforts didn’t make a difference.

I didn’t know how to get to the root of the problem. In fact, I didn’t even know there was a “root” that I should be looking for.
Frankie didn’t believe he could learn, and I hate to think where that took him in his life. But somehow, I knew that couldn’t be right. When Frankie got passed along to 7th grade, I began to seek out the experts who were doing the research on the brain, learning, and attention.

In 1984, I opened Stowell Learning Center for children and adults, who, like Frankie, were smart, but struggling and not getting the kind of help that would make permanent changes.

In the past 30 years we have helped over 5,000 students and their families overcome the devastation of learning problems. Our students have gone from special education to graduation with honors, to college, and many even have masters and doctorate degrees.

Here is my promise to you: There are real and permanent solutions to learning problems and I want to do everything I can to help you first to understand, and second to get the help you are looking for.