Financial resources to fund your student's bright future.


Your Tuition Solution

We partnered with Your Tuition Solution for an affordable way to finance your learning progress with low-interest rate loans.

Payment plan options are available in the YTS Application for Stowell Learning Centers.

View Application for Stowell Learning Centers

Jewish Free Loan Association

JFLA offers interest-free loans to families of all faiths for expenses related to caring for a child with special needs, physical, or developmental disabilities. Serves Los Angeles and Orange Counties.


Self-Determination Funds

The Self-Determination Program (SDP) is available to all eligible individuals receiving services from a regional center.  It allows participants the opportunity to have more control in developing their service plans and selecting service providers to better meet their needs.  If you are interested in participating in the SDP, reach out to your regional center for more information on how to get started.

View Self-Determination Program

Tax Deductions

tax deductions

Tax Deductions

Parents of children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia or ADHD may be able to deduct tutoring expenses for their special needs child from their federal income tax, according to the IRS. Please consult with your tax accountant.

Ready to take the next step?

Speak to a Learning Specialist to get a better sense of the program costs to inform your financing needs.