Research Studies & References
Research, case studies and reference materials direct from the creators of the cognitive learning therapy program.
- Learning Problems: A Cognitive Approach, Kirby and Williams
- Models of Working Memory, Myake and Shah
- Optometric Management of Vision Related Learning Problems, Rouse
- Mapping the Mind, Rita Carter
- Psycho-Behavioral Vision Enhancement, Shankman
- Behaviors, Beliefs, and Emotions: Doctor Patient Relationships in Behavioral Optometry, Shapiro and Estereson
- Vision Therapy: Training Laterality and Directionality, OEP
- Vision Therapy: Visual Thinking For Problem Solving, OEP
- Vision Therapy: Tools of Behavioral Vision Care: Lenses, Occulders, and Filters, OEP
- Vision Therapy: Tools of Behavioral Vision Care: Prisms, OEP
- A Manual For Training of Sequential Memory and Attention, Klein and Schwartz
- Vision Enhancement Training, Shankman
- School Readiness, Behavior Tests Used at the Gesell Institute, Ilg and Ames
- Understanding Developmental Dyspraxia, Portwood
- Optometric Management of reading Dysfunction, Griffin
- Neuro-Psychological Assessment, Lezak
- English Spelling: Roadblock To Reading, Dewey
- Psychology in Vision Care, Shute
- Cerebral Dominance, Geschwind
- The Out of Sync Child, Kranowitz
- The Structure of the Intellect, Meeker
- See It, Say It, Do It, Hellerstein
- The Development of the Concept of Space in the Child, Laurendeau
- Making the Words Stand Still, Lyman
- Stress and Vision, Forest
- Visual Imagery, Forest
- Handbook of Learning Disabilities, Swanson
- Mind, Stress, and Emotions, Wallenstein
- The Slow Learner in the Classroom, Kephart
- The Etiology of Vision Disorders, Trachman
- The Cerebellum and Cognition, Schmahman
- Learning and Attention Disorders, Fine
- The Mind's Eye, Thomas
- Assessment of Cognitive Processes, Das and Naglieri
- Mosaic of Thought, Keene
- Off Track: When Poor Readers Become Learning Disabled, Spear-Swerling
- When Children Don't Learn, McGuinness
- Helping Children Overcome Learning Disabilities, Rosner
- Developer: Douglas Stephey, O.D., M.S.
- Bell, Nanci. Visualizing and Verbalizing. Nancibell Inc, 1991.
- Bellis, Teri James, Ph.D. When the Brain Can't Hear. New York, NY: Pocket Books, 2002.
- Brown, Thomas, PhD. Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine and Associate Director of the Yale Clinic for Attention and Related Disorders. Executive Function Model.
- Doidge, Norman, M.D. The Brain That Changes Itself: stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2007.
- Foli, Karen. Like Sound Through Water. New York, NY: Atria Books, 2003.
- Lindamood, Charles H. and Lindamood, Patricia C. The A.D.D. Program: Auditory Discrimination in Depth, Book 1: Understanding the Program. U.S.A.: DLM Teaching Resources, 1979.
- Moyers, Gayle. Learning Ears. Austin, TX: Moyers Learning Systems 2006.
- Sollier, Pierre. Listening for Wellness. Walnut Creek, CA: The Mozart Center Press, 2005.
- Smith, Joan, Ph.D. Learning Victories. Sacramento, CA: LearningTime Products, Inc., 1998.
- Smith, Joan, Ph.D. You Don't Have to Be Dyslexic. Sacramento, CA: Learning Time Products, Inc., 1996.
- Smith, Joan, Ph.D. Training Courses: Dyslexia Remediation Specialist Certification and EDU-Therapeutics Trainer Certification, 1999, 2002.
- Steinbach, Ingo. Samonas Sound Therapy. Keelinghusen, Germany:Techau Verlog, 1997.
- Tomatis, Alfred, M.D. The Conscious Ear. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press, 1991.
- Tomatis, Alfred, M.D. The Ear and the Voice. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997.
- Glass, G. G. (1973). Teaching Decoding as Separate from Reading: Freeing Reading from Non-Reading to the Advantage of Both.
- Torgesen, J. K., Wagner, R. K., Rashotte, C. A., Rose, E., Lindamood, P., Conway, T., & Garvan, C. (1999). Preventing reading failure in young children with phonological processing disabilities: Group and individual responses to instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(4), 579-593.
- Moyers, Gayle. Learning Ears. Austin, TX: Moyers LearningSystems 2006.
- Sollier, Pierre. Listening for Wellness. Walnut Creek, CA: The Mozart Center Press, 2005.
- Smith, Joan, Ph.D. Learning Victories. Sacramento, CA: LearningTime Products, Inc., 1998.
- Smith, Joan, Ph.D. You Don't Have to Be Dyslexic. Sacramento, CA: Learning Time Products, Inc., 1996.
- Smith, Joan, Ph.D. Training Courses: Dyslexia Remediation Specialist Certification and EDU-Therapeutics Trainer Certification, 1999, 2002.
- Steinbach, Ingo. Samonas Sound Therapy. Keelinghusen, Germany:Techau Verlog, 1997.
- Tomatis, Alfred, M.D. The Conscious Ear. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press, 1991.
- Tomatis, Alfred, M.D. The Ear and the Voice. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997.
- A Study to Establish Whether the Use of The Listening Program® is Effective in Improving Auditory Skills for Children with Autism, Gwyneth Jeyes
- Identifying the Effectiveness of a Music-based Auditory Stimulation Method on Children with Sensory Integration and Auditory Processing Concerns: A Pilot Study, Esteves, John; Stein-Blum, Sheri; Cohen, Jonathan; Tischler, Allison
- Changes in Auditory Processing After Completing The Listening Program Training, Tracey Butlera, Jane Schuelerb ,and Jay R. Lucker
- Integration of the InTime Technique in the Neurodynamic Program of Assistance to Children with Learning Disabilities, Faina Lazarevna Ratner, Victoria Leonidovna Efimova & Oleg Igorevich Efimov
- The effectiveness of auditory stimulation in children with autism spectrum disorders: A case-control study, Bryan Gee, Kelly Thompson, Aaron Pierce, Megan Toupin, Jennifer Holst
- Use of Acoustically Modified Music to Reduce Auditory Hypersensitivity in Children, Jay R. Lucker, Alex Doman
- Training Direction-Discrimination Sensitivity Remediates a Wide Spectrum of Reading Skills, Teri Lawton PhD
- Improving Magnocellular Function in the Dorsal Stream Remediates Reading Deficits, Teri Lawton PhD
- Training on Movement Figure-Ground Discrimination Remediates Low-Level Visual Timing Deficits in the Dorsal Stream, Improving High-Level Cognitive Functioning, Including Attention, Reading Fluency, and Working Memory, Teri Lawton and John Shelley-Tremblay
- Increasing visual timing by movement discrimination exercises improves reading fluency, attention span, and memory retention in dyslexics, Teri Lawton PhD
- Improving Dorsal Stream Function in Dyslexics by Training Figure/Ground Motion Discrimination Improves Attention, Reading Fluency, and Working Memory, Teri Lawton PhD
- The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy, Hoon Chung, Tianhong Dai, Sulbha K. Sharma, Ying-Ying Huang, James D.
Carroll, and Michael R. Hamblin - The Use of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) For Musculoskeletal Pain, Howard B Cotler, Roberta T Chow, Michael R Hamblin, and James Carroll
- The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy, Hoon Chung, Tianhong Dai, Sulbha K. Sharma, Ying-Ying Huang, James D.
- Dr. Sulltane; G, Dr. Aranit; S, Dr. Fatlinda. Measuring Primitive Reflexes in Children with Learning Disorders. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 5, p. 285-298, may 2017.
- Retained Primitive Reflexes and ADHD in Children. J Konicarova, P Bob - Activitas Nervosa Superior, 2012
- Primitive Reflexes and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Developmental Origins of Classroom Dysfunction, Myra Taylor, Stephen Houghton and Elaine Chapman
- Belgau, Frank.
- Berne, Samuel A. Without Ritalin. Santa Fe, N. M.: Colorstone Press, 2006
- Berne, Samuel A. "Vision, Learning, and Development" seminar, Santa Fe, N.M. 2006
- Brandes, Bonnie. Quantum Reflex Integration, QRITM Reflex Integration Using Low Level Laser. Bonnie
Brandes. 2012. - Bloomberg, Harald with Dempsey, Moira. Movements That Heal Rhythmic Movement Training and Primitive Reflex Integration. Harald Bloomberg with Moira Dempsey. 2011.
- Dennison, Gail and Dennison, Paul. Brain Gym: Simple Activities for Whole Brain Learning. EDU-Kinesthetics. 1992
- Em-Wave:
- Farmer, Jeanette. WriteBrain.
- Goddard, Sally. Reflexes, Learning and Behavior. Eugene, OR: Fern Ridge Press, 2005
- Gold, Svea J. If Kids Just Came With Instruction Sheets. Eugene, OR: Fern Ridge Press, 1997
- Masgutova, Svetlana. Integration of Infant Dynamic and Postural Reflex Patterns - MNRI® Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration. Masgutova S. 1998 - 2010
- Melillo, Robert. Disconnected Kids. New york, NY: Penguin Group, 2009
- Smith, Joan. You Don't Have to be Dyslexic. Monterey, CA: Learning Time Products, 1996
- Sunbeck, Deborah. The Complete Infinity Walk Book 1: The Physical Self. The Leonardo Foundation Press, 2002.