LD Expert Podcast

Episode 77: How to Support Your Dyslexic Teen – Jessyka Coulter


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    In this Episode


    In this insightful interview from Jessyka Coulter’s Fall Into High School and Beyond event, Jill Stowell, founder of Stowell Learning Centers, shares how parents can move beyond Band-Aid solutions like accommodations and address the root causes of learning struggles.

    In this week's episode, you'll learn:

    • Why dyslexia isn’t a permanent condition and how weak underlying skills impact learning
    • How to identify and strengthen critical skills like auditory and visual processing
    • Practical advice for parents to support teens with learning challenges
    • Tips for helping your child thrive in school, college, and beyond

    Episode Highlight

    "The real problem for learning disabilities and dyslexia lies in weak or inefficient underlying skills. When we identify and develop those skills, everything changes."

    – Jill Stowell


    Episode Resources

    Newsletter: Stay connected! A couple times a month, you'll get a message from Jill and we'll highlight essential resources that you can use now at home and in the classroom. When you sign up for our newsletter, you'll get instant lifetime access to all of our free downloadable guides.
    Free Dyslexia and Learning Disability Quiz: Do you suspect that you or someone you know has dyslexia, or a learning and attention challenge?

    Take our free quiz to find out in less than 10-minutes.

    If dyslexia or a learning and attention challenge is detected, you'll receive recommendations on the best next steps to resolve these challenges.
