This is Tori, a former Stowell Learning Center student and currently a sophomore Meteorology student at the University of Oklahoma. At 16, she was the youngest female Hot Air Balloon pilot in the country and this August will represent the U.S. at the Women’s Worlds Hot Air Balloon Championship in Nałęczów, Poland. What an amazing young woman!
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I have never been in a hot air balloon, but I can just imagine the freedom that you must feel, sailing high above all the hustle and bustle below!
If you are the parent of a struggling student, you may be feeling some freedom of your own this Fourth of July week – freedom from the tears, battles, and frustration over homework.
Wouldn’t it be great if this weren’t just a temporary freedom? If your child could be more independent, confident, and attentive – able to do homework on her own?
It is possible! There is hope!
When smart kids struggle in school, weaknesses in one or more underlying learning/processing skills are almost always at the root of the problem. These are skills such as attention; memory; executive function; and sensorimotor, auditory, and visual processing. These skills are not typically taught in school or traditional tutoring.
At our center, we identify and develop the weak underlying learning/processing skills that provide the critical foundation for learning. Once the brain is getting the information it needs to learn, we can remediate the affected reading, writing, spelling, or math skills and send the students on their way as independent learners. While there is no overnight solution, most learning and attention challenges can be dramatically improved or completely corrected.
I would love for you to experience the freedom that Tori’s family and thousands of others have found when their child’s learning and attention challenges have been addressed and eliminated at the root.
Learn what’s keeping your bright child from learning as easily as he could be and what can be done to change it.
JOIN US for a FREE Information Night.
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“Helping smart but struggling students dramatically improve or completely correct their learning and attention challenges by developing the underlying learning skills that are not supporting the learner well enough.”
We serve children and adults with diagnosed or undiagnosed learning and attention challenges including learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD, auditory processing disorders, and autism spectrum disorders.
Jill Stowell, M.S.
Author: At Wit’s End A Parent’s Guide to Ending the Struggle, Tears, and Turmoil of Learning Disabilities
Founder and Executive Director – Stowell Learning Centers
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