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The Basics
#1 Amazon Bestseller "At Wit's End" is a lifeline to parents who have bright children who struggle in school.
These students are often misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and left alone to cope.
Inside these pages you will find two things you won't find anywhere else: an explanation behind what is happening with students who struggle, and answers to actually solving the problems...permanently.
The Learning Skills Continuum Ladder was developed by Stowell Learning Center founder, Jill Stowell.
It ensures that we can identify and treat the underlying skills that are at the root of learning and attention challenges.
Download the full 3-page Continuum to understand why getting to the root of the problem is critical for making permanent change, and find categorized lists of learning skills at each "rung" of the ladder.
Click to learn more about how we use the Learning Skills Continuum and why it sets us apart.
These functional indicators of a learning disability are based on Stowell Learning Center’s extensive experience with the evaluation and treatment for children and adults with diagnosed and undiagnosed learning disabilities.
Free, done-for-you summer strategies handout packet for parents and teachers.
Discover actionable strategies and a new perspective on learning and attention challenges with our Parent’s Guide, designed to empower you and your child to thrive.
Attention & Retained Reflexes
Understanding and helping kids who don't pay attention. Learn of strategies and activities that can help struggling students with their attention challenges.
An overview of 17 primary reflexes and their impact on learning and attention when not fully integrated.
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
Functional indicators of an auditory processing problem based on Stowell
Learning Center’s extensive experience with evaluation and treatment of children and
adults with learning or attention challenges related to auditory processing.
Accommodations to Support Students with Auditory Processing Challenges
Adalyn Smith, a student at Stowell Learning Center, shares her journey from accommodating her auditory processing disorder to treating it's root cause, and the changes that she is experiencing.
Dyslexia / Dysgraphia
The 7 different types of dyslexia defined by the underlying skills that are impacted.
Classroom accommodations and modifications as a temporary support for your dyslexic learner.
A list of the most common functional characteristics of dyslexia based on Stowell Learning Centers' extensive experience with evaluation and treatment for children and adults with dyslexia.
Jill Stowell digs into the key characteristics and differences between dyslexia - difficulty with reading, dysgraphia - difficulty with writing, and ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and she gives some strategies that you can use to support students with these challenges.
Executive Function
All of our favorite Executive Function tools and strategies compiled into one handy cheat sheet.
Learn about the four Executive Function profiles, their characteristics and specific strategies to help your child based on his/her profile.
Sarah Ward gives parents strategies to help their kids build Executive Function Skills and shares fun ways to develop time management, organization, problem-solving, decision making, and social skills.
Homework and Classroom
Strategies to help you and your child navigate homework with more ease. Tips for getting started, and setting clear expectations on what needs to be done, and when homework is finished.
Strategy guide to help your students with reading, comprehension and memory, spelling, writing, math, studying and focus.
Seth Perler - Executive Function and 2E Coach - breaks down some time-saving strategies for parents and teachers to help build executive function skills with their kids and get student buy-in at the start of the new school year.
Plus, hear Seth's empowering message to kids, and learn about TEFOS - The Executive Function Online Summit (an annual virtual event hosted by Seth Perler)
LD Expert Episode Guides
Over 100 stories from families who overcame the difficulties of their learning and attention challenges with the help of Stowell Learning Center.
Jill interviews two families from Stowell Learning Centers, Nicola and James White, and Christine and Hudson Wories. Both families share their journey to discovering their learning challenges, the cognitive learning therapies they did, and the results.
Lita Hsia, a former parent at Stowell Learning Centers, shares her long journey to make sense of her child's struggles, find real answers, and stay the course to success.
Jill speaks with Sissy, a dyslexic student at Stowell Learning Centers, who is now an author of her own chapter book. Shelley, Sissy's mom, shares how she discovered the root behind Sissy's struggles at school and what it was like attending Stowell Learning Center.
Andrea Cangialosi-Monaly shares how her son had been in and out of different specialists and treatments for years with no success until they finally took a leap of faith and enrolled at Stowell Learning Centers.
Ready to take the next step?
Speak with a Learning Specialist to get even more information about how to permanently correct or eliminate the challenges associated with learning disabilities.