Did you know that when you use the facial muscles to create a SMILE it stimulates a feel good party in your brain? Smiling distracts momentarily and allows positive energy to recharge. “Feel good neurotransmitters” are released when you smile! Dopamine (attention modulator), endorphins (pain reliever), and Seratonin (mood lifter) join the party when you smile! This is really powerful! Teach this to your child so that he or she always has this special way to help themselves feel better. Tip for Chasing Away Homework Grumpies: Pre-select a YouTube video that you and your child think is really hysterical. Watch…
Read MoreYou would be surprised how many parents are tearing their hair out and saying the very same thing about their child or teen. How can the student possibly put so much effort into getting the homework done and then just not turn it in? Mind-boggling! But it happens all the time! Josh, a freshman, was having that exact problem in most of his classes. He was never late to class, but he was typically a little late tuning-in to the teacher – catching the beginning of the lecture but missing the call for homework. Here’s how he solved the problem,…
Read MoreMy daughter shared this Facebook video with me of a very cute and obviously brilliant 4-year-old giving a speech about the importance of reading! This little guy talks about how reading is an adventure that has enriched his vocabulary, long-term memory, thoughts, ideas, and problems solving skills! He encourages parents and teachers that reading aloud to kids every day and developing their literacy skills is one of the most important things they can do. Wow! Out of the mouth of a 4-year-old! And I think most parents would agree. But what if your child can’t read? You can still read…
Read MoreThis is Tori, a former Stowell Learning Center student and currently a sophomore Meteorology student at the University of Oklahoma. At 16, she was the youngest female Hot Air Balloon pilot in the country and this August will represent the U.S. at the Women’s Worlds Hot Air Balloon Championship in Nałęczów, Poland. What an amazing young woman! See more: https://youtu.be/ya11tMx-tcE I have never been in a hot air balloon, but I can just imagine the freedom that you must feel, sailing high above all the hustle and bustle below! If you are the parent of a struggling student, you may be feeling…
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