Brains Need Breaks
From Break to Meltdown in 30 seconds – How Did that Happen? At mile 20 of a 21-mile bike ride, my husband and I stopped to take a little break. It had gotten warm and we wanted to remove a few layers. When we started riding again, my legs let me know that “enough is…
Read More Blessing: Exceptional Talent / Challenge: Lack of Focus and Follow-Through
My son was a music major in college and is currently in the music industry as Production Coordinator and Tour Manager. If you know any really gifted musicians, then you probably understand what we mean when we refer to the “musician personality.” Musicians often seem to be in real need of a manager as their…
We recently tested two boys with very similar learning strengths and challenges. In testing, they both had good attention, but one became squirmy in his chair whenever he had to read. The squirmy little guy had been diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder without Hyperactivity). He was never a problem in class, but was reported…
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