Summer’s Here! But What Will Next School Year Bring?
You made it! This year more than ever, with all the changes that the Coronavirus has brought, the end of the school year is a big relief. I remember the excitement of the last day of school – both as a student and as the parent of school-age students. No more worries about getting…
Read More Practice Doesn’t Always Make Perfect
Most things in life get better with practice. A learning challenge is not generally one of them. A 10-year-old with a 1st grade reading ability A perpetually distracted student A teen who studies like a maniac but never fails to fail his tests A child who constantly says, “Huh? What?” Who is falling behind in…
Read More Waiting Out the Hurricane
Hunkered down in our condo, with the food and water hastily grabbed off the nearly empty shelves of the market, we prepared to wait out Hurricane Lane in Hawaii. As it turned out, we were over-prepared, thankfully suffering no more than spending a windy, rainy few days indoors. If your child has traditionally struggled in…
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