Test anxiety
Activate A “Feel-Good Party” In Your Brain!
Did you know that when you use the facial muscles to create a SMILE it stimulates a feel good party in your brain? Smiling distracts momentarily and allows positive energy to recharge. “Feel good neurotransmitters” are released when you smile! Dopamine (attention modulator), endorphins (pain reliever), and Seratonin (mood lifter) join the party when you…
Read More Waiting Out the Hurricane
Hunkered down in our condo, with the food and water hastily grabbed off the nearly empty shelves of the market, we prepared to wait out Hurricane Lane in Hawaii. As it turned out, we were over-prepared, thankfully suffering no more than spending a windy, rainy few days indoors. If your child has traditionally struggled in…
Read More Does Your Child Have the Right Tools for the Job?
Weak underlying mental tools cause smart students to struggle in school My husband is fond of saying, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” But the bottom line is that even though a hammer may be an excellent tool, it isn’t the right tool to do all jobs.…
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