Poor grades
Blessing: Exceptional Talent / Challenge: Lack of Focus and Follow-Through
My son was a music major in college and is currently in the music industry as Production Coordinator and Tour Manager. If you know any really gifted musicians, then you probably understand what we mean when we refer to the “musician personality.” Musicians often seem to be in real need of a manager as their…
Read More Practice Doesn’t Always Make Perfect
Most things in life get better with practice. A learning challenge is not generally one of them. A 10-year-old with a 1st grade reading ability A perpetually distracted student A teen who studies like a maniac but never fails to fail his tests A child who constantly says, “Huh? What?” Who is falling behind in…
Read More “My Son Does His Homework and Doesn’t Turn it in! Why Does This Happen and What Do I Do?”
You would be surprised how many parents are tearing their hair out and saying the very same thing about their child or teen. How can the student possibly put so much effort into getting the homework done and then just not turn it in? Mind-boggling! But it happens all the time! Josh, a freshman, was…
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