Waiting Out the Hurricane
Hunkered down in our condo, with the food and water hastily grabbed off the nearly empty shelves of the market, we prepared to wait out Hurricane Lane in Hawaii. As it turned out, we were over-prepared, thankfully suffering no more than spending a windy, rainy few days indoors. If your child has traditionally struggled in…
Read More What Does it Really Mean When the School Says Your Struggling Student Doesn’t Have a Learning Disability?
I recently spoke with a parent who was confused and distraught because he sees his child struggling with anxiety and frustration over school work every day, yet the school testing did not show a learning disability. Does that mean that the parent is crazy? Over-protective? Does it mean that the student really could do the…
Read More 3 Things You Can Do NOW to Avoid Homework Battles in the New School Year
My husband accuses me of being a “Ready, Fire, Aim” kind of a person. I just want to say, that is probably not the best way to start off the school year! If you are facing Back-to-School with some trepidation, remembering the stress and tears of last year’s homework battles, here are three things you…
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