Auditory Processing
Augh!!! My Teacher Talks Too Fast!
What does horse racing have to do with people talking too fast? Nothing really, but I wonder if that’s what it feels like to students with slow processing speed. Race horses fly by in a blur. What would school be like if words flew by you in a blur? Students with learning challenges sometimes feel…
Read More Do Not Pass Go – Go Straight to ADHD
Pay attention! Pay attention! Pay attention! How many times can you tell a kid to pay attention before they finally get the message? For some parents and teachers, it feels endless. Having worked with thousands of struggling learners over the years, I recognize that ADHD is a real and sometimes a devastating challenge for families.…
Read More It’s an Intervention Class! Intervene!
Attention challenges are really hard to understand – even for students who have them. They have good intentions, and then find themselves daydreaming or doing something else when they should be working. A parent recently shared with me that her son, who has auditory processing, reading, math, and attention challenges, is in an intervention class…
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