LD Expert Podcast

Episode 64: Brain Training for Self-Care, Focus, and Productivity – Alex Doman


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    In this Episode


    "Our ability to be our best is under attack."
    - Alex Doman

    There are more mental health challenges today than ever before, and Alex Doman, founder of Vital Neuro and this week’s LD Expert Podcast guest, is on a mission to help people shift back to where they need to be for a less stressful, more balanced life.
    What is Vital Neuro?
    Vital Neuro is a new technology for neuro performance training that is personalized to change your state of mind using real-time EEG and psycho-acoustically designed music.
    More areas of the brain are involved when experiencing music than any other input to the nervous system, so this revolutionary tool can help us to:

    • have a healthier stress-response
    • optimize and improve focus
    • activate our executive function
    • learn how to more easily relax
    • get a restorative night’s sleep so that neuroplasticity can take place as your brain
    • consolidate the events of the day

    In this week's episode, you'll learn:

    • About Vital Neuro - a new technology for neuro performance training that is personalized to change your state of mind using real-time EEG and psycho-acoustically designed music
    • The many benefits of music and sound therapy
    • How to improve focus, reduce stress, optimize sleep, and live a more relaxed life

    Episode Highlight

    "It’s a stressful world out there. It’s hard to be present and Vital Neuro is something that can make us present, make us aware, find our happy place and live a much better, more fulfilling life."

    - Alex Doman


    Episode Resources

    Alex Doman - Founder of Advanced Brain Technologies and Vital Neuro

