
Got Rhythm?

Rhythm and Timing May be a Factor in Reading, Attention, and Learning Problems Every week I take a Whole Body Workout class at the gym.  I think it should be called Whole Body – Whole Brain Workout because it not only takes muscle power, but brainpower to coordinate all the simultaneous movements: Arms opening and…
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Activate A “Feel-Good Party” In Your Brain!

Did you know that when you use the facial muscles to create a SMILE it stimulates a feel good party in your brain?  Smiling distracts momentarily and allows positive energy to recharge.  “Feel good neurotransmitters” are released when you smile!   Dopamine (attention modulator), endorphins (pain reliever), and Seratonin (mood lifter) join the party when you…
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“My Son Does His Homework and Doesn’t Turn it in! Why Does This Happen and What Do I Do?”

You would be surprised how many parents are tearing their hair out and saying the very same thing about their child or teen.  How can the student possibly put so much effort into getting the homework done and then just not turn it in?  Mind-boggling!  But it happens all the time! Josh, a freshman, was…
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