The Best Gift FROM Kids
My grades are amazing! My grades are amazing! One of our junior high school boys came busting into his session at the learning center with this news recently. Now that’s a great gift! All the hard work that we, parents, and most importantly our student are putting in is paying off and he can see it!
The changes that our students make come in all different forms, and grades may be the last to change. Often, the students who come to us have been through many tutors or therapies. They may be very reluctant to try “one more thing that’s not going to work anyway.” To me, it is critical that students notice changes, that they can tell that something is getting easier for them. It’s what I expect with the work that we do, and as an educator and a parent, that is a precious gift.
I asked our unnamed junior high student a few days later how things were going and what changes he was seeing. In typical adolescent style, he said, “nothing’s changed.” Then, almost as an after-thought, he began to list all the things that were getting easier for him:
- Math is so easy for me now.
If you, your child, or teen are struggling with learning, be sure to join us for a FREE information meeting after the 1st of the year to find out what can be done to permanently correct learning challenges. Visit for info and RSVP
- I’m getting my homework done a lot faster.
- My grades are really good – better than they’ve ever been!
The whole time he’s talking, his face is lighting up more and more. All of this translates into greater self-confidence and self-esteem. What could be better!
Now for the Gifts FOR Kids…
Today, the TODAY show ran a piece on gifts. Most were a little “lame” in my opinion (to use our student’s terminology), but here’s a great one, especially because so many of our students have inquisitive, creative minds:
It’s called The Happy Trunk. Delivered monthly, the Happy Trunk comes with hands on art, craft and science activities for kids in two age groups: 3-7, and 7-11. All materials and know how included. This is worth checking out:
Wishing you the best of holidays!
Ready to take the next step?
Speak to a Learning Specialist to learn more about the results from students and parents at Stowell Learning Centers.