PARENTS: Start The New School Year Without Panic
Get yourself and your child organized for a start to the school year
Can we make the opening of school easier for you?
Parents have asked and we listened:
We’re holding a FREE Back-to-School Planning Event for PARENTS!
In just 2 hours you’re going to get:
Strategies for helping your child keep from falling behind before the year has started
7 “Must-Do’s” to eliminate homework battles before they start
Parent planner to organize all your important contacts and deadlines
Specific strategies for how to manage the weekly routine of school activities
Strategies for getting homework done without struggle
Dealing with yearly events that surprise parents
How to prepare for and navigate teacher conferences
Test study strategies proven to increase comprehension and test scores
A way to coach your child to understand and follow classroom expectations
How to “de-stress” your child and increase attention
Practical activities to study for spelling tests
How to understand and solve word problems
How nutrition can change everything
Presented by Lauren Ma with special Guest, Dr. Marla Omar
Stowell Learning Center
1150 Main Street Suite B
Irvine, CA 92614
Sat. August 11, 2018
10 a.m. – 12 Noon
RSVP for the Event
RSVP NOW! Space is limited.
Please note: There is no childcare provided