At Wit’s End Available on AmazonCLICK HERE Free Articles Chapter 1: The Faces of Learning Problems Article: 7 Things Every Parent and Educator Should Know about Learning Challenges Audio: /wp-content/uploads/2016/12/01-manyfacesoflearning.mp3 Chapter 2: 7 Myths and the Truth about Learning Problems Articles: Not Just Laziness Maybe He’s Just Lazy! Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/02-3Myths.mp3 Chapter 3: How Do I know if My Child has a Learning Problem? Articles: Fun, Frantic and Fantastic: Going through the Motions with Your Four Year Old Comfortable, Independent Learners Helping Students Study Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/03-Whydoesmykidact.mp3 Chapter 4: The Parents’ Journey Articles: Sometimes it Takes More Than a Tutor Does My Child Need Educational Therapy We Get Questions Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/04-Sometimesittakesmore.mp3 Chapter 5: How Learning Works Article: Not Learning Disabled, But Learning Abled Chapter 6: Addressing the Problem at the Source, the Brain Article: Unblocking the Roadblocks…Preparing the Brain to Learn Chapter 7: The Neurodevelopmental Learning Skills Continuum Articles: A New Look at Learning Challenges Leads to Real Solutions Chapter 8: Core Learning Skills Article: Lazy Is NOT A Diagnosis – Clues To “Lazy” Students Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/03-Whydoesmykidact.mp3 Chapter 9: Attention and Memory Q & A Articles: Attention Focus Challenges “Why Can’t They Remember???” Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/09-MemoryandAttention.mp3 Chapter 10: Auditory Processing Article: Good Learners are Good Listeners Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/10-AuditoryProcessing-1.mp3 Chapter 11: Executive Function Articles: Pacing – Somewhere between racing and crawling… How to Win The Homework “Battle” Chapter 12: Succeeding in School Articles: Breaking the “He-Can’t-Learn-Phonics” Myth Tackling Spelling So What Is Dyslexia Anyway Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/12-SmartKidsTroubleReading.mp3 Chapter 13: Diet and Environmental Factors Articles: Healthy Brain Habits 7 Easy Ways to Make the School Year More Fun and Productive Chapter 14: The Learning Skills Continium Approach to Solving Learning Problems Article: It’s Time to Change the Future for Students with Learning and Attention Challenges Chapter 15: Core Learning Skills Training Articles: Let’s Get Moving The Lost Art of Questioning Chapter 16: Auditory Stimulation and Training Article: Breakthroughs In Auditory Processing Audio:/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/16-AuitoryProcessing2.mp3 Chapter 17: Processing Skills Development Article: “Mental Boot Camp” Can Improve SAT Scores, Student Success, and Even Change Alertness and Memory in the Over-50 Baby Boomers Chapter 18: Attention Focus Training Article: More Time to Teach…More Motivated to Try Chapter 19: Executive Function Articles: Order…The “Missing Link” For Many Conquering Those End-of-the-Chapter Questions: How to Win The Homework “Battle”